Promoting EAP – ToolKit

Promoting EAP – ToolKit

The key to the success of our program is its visibility.  We rely on the relationships we have with organizational leadership to help us promote events and services.  

Here are Six Tips to Promoting EAP and increasing utilization of our services:

1. Have promotional materials on hand and in the workplace, visible to all.  If the information here does not meet your needs, please contact us and we will be able to customize promotional photos for you.  

Printable Flyers and Posters:

Summary of Services Printable Flyer

Tear Off Printable Poster Options

General Printable Poster Options

Also, please reach out to or call us at 716-681-4300 if you need additional supplies of wallet cards, magnets, posters, flyers or pens.  We will send them out to you to support your promotional efforts.


2. Share the Orientation Video below to staff routinely or post on an internal message board. Also, when you have a group of people who are gathered for any reason, contact us and request that and EAP staff member present a more detailed orientation “live” via Zoom or in-person.  Email or call to request:, 716-681-4300.

Quick Start Guide – 3 minutes


3. Share monthly event emails!  Each month is different, and you will receive an email outlining the complimentary events that month, or you can find the updated events information here: Events Page.  You will need to forward these to your employees for them to know.


4. Schedule an EAP presentations or trainings to employees. Please review the Employee Presentations, where you will find information about how this program could help support your organization.  


5. Review and share a wellness video or two from our webinar collection on wellness topics that you think would benefit them.  Take a look at the webinar collection here and choose a video to email or post for staff to view at their convenience: Webinars.


6. Leaders at your organization are vital to supporting staff, and we want them to understand how EAP can support them.  Our supervisory orientation will introduce your managers and supervisors to EAP and how they can use it as a tool for management.  Our staff is also available to join your leadership at a meeting to present live via Zoom or in-person. The primary focus of this training is: educating supervisors about identifying employee concerns, conducting constructive conversations, developing resilient teams, and informal and formal EAP referrals.

Supervisor Training – 14 minutes

Please contact us if you would like to discuss your promotional strategy!

  • EAP Staff Phone: Main: 716-681-4300 E-mail: [javascript protected email address]