Parenting and Caregiver Resources

Parenting and Caregiver Resources

Tips to Prepare for Back to School 2021




WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE – CHILD CARE SUBSIDYWorkforce Development Institute has reduced the eligibility requirements for child care subsidies.


CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OUTPATIENT CLINIC: Child & Family Services has been Western New York’s behavioral health and wellness partner for more than 147 years, with services including counseling and support for adults, children, and families at any stage of life. Our skilled team works to create a safe, confidential, and comfortable place for you to find the care and healing you need.


  • To make a free appointment with CCRN, call EAP and we will connect you as part of your EAP benefit.
  • Parent Services flyer

INDEPENDENT LEARNING SYSTEMS:  Support for At-home schooling

PARENT NETWORK:  The Network’s mission is to support families and professionals to empower individuals with disabilities to reach their full potential. If you have concerns about your how your child is developing and learning, you can call 716-332-4175 or email for 1-on-1 support.

LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION of WNY: Provides service with the goal of ensuring opportunities that will allow everyone with learning disabilities to be successful at school, at work, in relationships, and in the community.

ERIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICESInformation on child day care assistance, child development and parenting resources, and local day care resources

VIDEO LEARNING RESOURCES: Center for Elder Law & Justice believes that justice is living independently and with dignity. Elder Law Learn is providing a video series aimed towards education around a variety of specific human rights topics. For more information about our Eldercare Consultation, please click here

MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCATES OF WNY: Erie County Self Help Group Directory for Adults, where you can view schedules of Weekly Support Group Meetings

EPIC FAMILY SUPPORT LINEFamily support line for parents to utilize while being home with their children during quarantine. Operating weekdays between 8:30am and 4:30pm, the support line is staffed by EPIC team members trained in parenting and social work. Parents are welcome to call in for help with stress management, establishing homeschool routines, positive discipline strategies and any issues that arise while being home with their children.

CATHOLIC CHARITIES COVID-19 HELPLINE:  Support line to get services related to mental health, food pantries and basic assistance, and workforce and education services (distance learning).

Special Education Resources
General Resources

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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