When employees understand what contributes to their mental health – workplaces succeed!
Mental wellness in the workplace is essential for maintaining productivity and job satisfaction by helping employees manage stress and stay engaged. Prioritizing mental health fosters a positive work environment, reduces absenteeism, and boosts team morale, ultimately improving performance and reducing turnover.
– Presentations are 2 credits each
Trauma Informed Leadership (90 minutes)
- Intended for managers, supervisors and leaders in the organization who supervise others
- Explores how leaders implement practices that foster accountability using the trauma-informed principles
- Recognizing the impact of trauma and re-traumatization
- Understanding the stress response and how to identify this in self and others
- Identifying trauma-informed strategies to neutralize the workplace
- Developing next steps to integrate trauma-informed practices into your work
- Provides opportunity for discussion and practice using examples provided leaders
Trauma Informed Workplace (60 – 90 minutes)
- Intended for general audience of employees and leaders
- Provides an overview using general examples of trauma informed interactions
- Recognizing the impact of trauma and re-traumatization
- Understanding the stress response and how to identify this in self and others
- Developing next steps to integrate trauma-informed practices into your work
- Break-out group practice to identify current level of trauma-informed behaviors within the organization
Workplace Mental Wellness Workshop (90 minutes)
- How to effectively start conversations about mental wellness in the workplace
- Increased awareness of mental wellness benefits and additions to the workplace
- The importance of self-care
- Pre-consult and post-consult 3 months after workshop
- Specific content relevant to your group
- Activity that produces feedback and tangible outcomes to improve mental wellness in the workplace
Developing a Mutual Care Plan (90 minutes)
- Provides information on self-care, mutual care and hot to build a stronger working environment
- Intended for general audience of employees and leaders
- Interactive presentation and best in groups smaller than 20
- Practical guidance on building a positive work culture
- Define individual and group workplace values
- Develop shared meaning and common goal
Individualized Screenings (1 credit per 2 hours of screenings)
In addition to presentations, credits can also be used to provide individualized mental wellness screenings for your team. A screening is a 30-minute virtual appointment with an EAP counselor. During the screening, participants will receive their results as well as have the opportunity to review what has been working and what additional supports and/or resources may be beneficial.
- Screenings offered:
- Burnout Screening
- Depression Screening
- Mental Health Check-In
- Perceived Stress Screening
If you are interested in scheduling any presentation, please contact EAP at 716-681-4300 or fill out this Request for Presentation form: Click here to complete the presentation request form