Understanding MAP and How to Refer

Understanding MAP and How to Refer

Orientation to MAP

Take 3 minutes to watch the following video to better understand your benefit.  Please feel free to call our office for more information and to take advantage of these services.






How to talk with a colleague when you are concerned about them:

The Member Assistance Program is here to help.  C&FS MAP offers support services to assist members and their household with a variety of issues.  The MAP is meant to as a voluntary service, and it is the members right to choose when and where they receive support.  Sometimes colleagues and friends may have concerns, and want to help. If you are concerned about someone and you would like to recommend these services, we suggest that you consider the following before making the referral:


  • Make observations about how their work or behavior is being impacted and let the person respond
  • Listen with an open mind, in a nonjudgmental way
  • Get support from others if you feel the person is in danger or if you feel they are at risk


  • Jumping to conclusions about what’s going on, or “diagnose” — it’s not always a mental health issue
  • Pushing your colleague to share personal details — what they want to share is up to them
  • Becoming the person’s de facto counselor; point the person to professional help

Important to remember:

If you are concerned about a colleague, and are looking for guidance about how to talk with them about your concerns, please  contact the MAP clinical team at 716-681-4300. We are here to support you and may be able to help you develop a plan to effectively talk with anyone you are concerned about using MAP or other community services.